Dancers can start to arrive at the studio 10 minutes before the start of their class. (Example: If a class starts at 6:00pm, dancers can began arriving NO sooner than 5:50pm). Please be mindful that this allows our staff to prepare our studio to properly serve and accommodate our dance families’ needs for their classes. In lieu of this no one will be allowed access into the studio until that time.


Dismissal of dancers after class can be a little hectic. We ask that ALL parents physically come to the door to pick up their dancer(s) promptly at the end of your dancers class. For safety reasons, we WILL NOT release a dancer from the studio if we do not see a parent!


Our office hours are as follows:

  • Mondays, Wednesdays: 10am-2pm; 6pm-8pm

  • Tuesdays, Thursdays: 9:30am-noon; 6pm-8pm

  • Saturdays: 9:00am - noon

  • Fridays, Sundays: CLOSED

We can be contacted during office hours via phone or text at (469) 620-0439 and/or email at: Please allow us up to one business day to return any phone calls, text or emails.


  • In efforts to not distract dancers and instructors, please DO NOT open the doors to the dance studio while classes are in session. If you need to speak with or give something to your dancer, please notify the office staff and we will be happy to assist you with that.

  • Only water is allowed in the dance studios.

  • Please do not enter into any areas that are designated for staff only… this includes the Staff Restroom!

    Thank you so much for your cooperation!!